Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Pot called. Says Kettle is Black

We've been given another example of Kerry's unbelievable hypocrisy.

We've heard him criticize Bush for taking too much time off during the days before September 11th and implying that Bush's awareness of the potential threat was incomplete due to his "time off." Then we find that Kerry skipped out on 78% of his Intelligence Committee meetings.

We've heard him tell Detroit auto workers about how much he loves his big Suburban and weeks later tell the Earth Day audiences that he doesn't really own any SUVs. He dismissively explains that the SUVs belong to his family and are therefore, not really his.

We've seen him recently decrying the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth and sending lawyers to sue TV stations that run their ads and to persuade the publishers and the retailers to stop carrying their books. He made no attempt to quash the other private issue ads being run by MoveOn.org and others. He complained about the SBVT ads being paid for by a Texas millionaire. The MoveOn.org ads are paid for by George Soros, a Hungarian born billionaire.

We've recently heard him speaking to a church (frankly, it's amusing to hear him use words like "brother" as he addresses a primarily African-American congregation) and quoting a bible verse from James, a book in the new testament. Kerry, paraphrasing the book of James, said 'The scriptures say, "What does it profit my brother if someone says he has faith but does not have works?"' The scriptural point being that if a person really believes in the message of Jesus that person will necessarily respond by doing good works for others. Kerry's point was that Bush was all talk and no good works. Kerry's bold assertion that he has the faith and the works to prove it has been challenged by the IRS tax records.

Today I heard a comparison of Kerry's and Bush's income tax records. It seems that Senator Kerry and President Bush both made handsome incomes for the last 10-15 years. Kerry has been employed by the citizens of Massachusetts and has been making over $100K each year. Bush was a private citizen and then governor and made about $200K each year. He had one great year where he made about $600K. Here's the big difference between the two. Kerry's charitable contributions peaked out at $820 one year with several years where he made NO charitable contributions. Bush made charitable contributions of no less than $20K and peaked out at $31K.

Forget about the waffles for a minute and consider only the discrepancies between what he says and what he does. The fact that Kerry has any supporters at all seems to suggest that the population is more gullible than we'd like to believe and that Kerry's primary skill is "pulling the wool."

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