Thursday, August 19, 2004

Kerry pleased, America is buying it!

My frustration with my fellow Americans has been enflamed recently as I've observed the presidential campaigning. My fellow Americans (about half of them according to most polls) would cast their votes for John Kerry if the election were held today. The fact that anyone could fall for his political positioning is amazing. He's somehow able to hold both sides of every position. Within the month of August he's spoken publicly for moving troops out of Korea AND spoken against Bush's decision to move troops out of Korea. This is only the most recent example of this man's willingness to say anything he deems necessary to win the favor of the audience to whom he's speaking. He's proud of his SUVs when he's speaking in Detroit and then ashamed of his SUVs when he's speaking at Earth Day. He's convinced that Iraq's WMDs are a threat and then when the war get's ugly he's feeling hurt that Bush told us there were WMDs in Iraq. He wants Bush to condemn the Swift Boat Vets for Truth as their ads rebut Kerry's claims of Vietnam heroics but does nothing to condemn Move On Pac as they run anti Bush ads comparing our president to Hitler. The examples go on and on. He wants to toss the coin if he can be "heads" and "tails."

My disappointment is not that a professional politician would turn out to be a waffler or lack any convictions. My disappointment is that we would swallow it. How can we see this man's daily statements and daily speeches and read his campaign material and not see the duplicity?

Wake up, America. You can't get away with that kind of double speak in your workplace, in your home, in your circle of friends. Your friends can't get away with being two faced. You'll call them on it the first time. If they happen to continue to be deceitful you'll weed them out of your life. Why then would you accept it from your president?

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