Tuesday, August 17, 2004


I guess I'm living in some rose-colored biosphere because things seem to be going well economically. I see plenty of businesses hiring people around me. I see companies investing in new equipment and new technology and expanding markets. I see people getting to choose between the job they have and the job they're being offered. I see people consuming goods and services in the stores everyday. This is my personal experience. I'm not talking about something I saw on the news.

I see on the news that Iraq is trying to hold onto their newborn democracy. I see that Afghanistan is no longer a theocratic house of horrors. I see that churches and schools and markets are open in Iraq. I see that Pakistan is rounding up terrorists and prosecuting them with a new found fervor. I see that Libya turned over their nuclear material to us. I see that the economies of most European countries is still expanding. I see that Japan's economy is still growing. I see that America's economy is still growing.

So why the anger? Why do I hear the complaints and the whining? Why are so many people in this country upset with the president? Why are so many people in this country ashamed of America?

I am proud of my country and proud of my American heritage. I was taught to take action even when no one else will join me. I was taught to stand up for what's right even when it's unpopular. I was taught to protect the weak and defend the innocent. I was taught that America is a country built on humble heroes, men and women who did the right thing when it cost them their fortunes, their families or even their lives. I was taught that to die with honor is far greater than to live with dishonor. These lessons didn't just come from my parents or my religion. These lessons came from my history, my American culture.

We're not perfect and our country is not perfect. We've made our mistakes. We've embarassed ourselves at times but we've admitted our mistakes, sought forgiveness and moved on. We've shouldered the load and carried it ahead. We've cleansed our shame with honor and heroism. We've strived for that ideal again and again and we do so everyday.

I will recommit myself to act honorably, to love mercy, to seek justice, to protect the weak, to defend the innocent and to make the world a better place. When I find the opportunities to do these things I will remember those Americans who modeled that behavior for me and will thank God for the country that has nurtured more heroes than any other.

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