Monday, August 16, 2004

My two sons... and their mother

Back home again after more than a week away. Feels great to sleep in my own bed, go to my own church, see my friends.

The boys started school today. The youngest is in Kindergarten now. He told us the other day that it didn't seem like he should be five years old now. How right he is. He sat at his little table with his friends this morning. Several cute little girls and my little blonde headed boy. They were all coloring pictures about their summer. He put his foot on the path, he began the journey through school. His mother was surprisingly, not crying. She may be sobbing in her office right now but at school this morning she was all smiles.

My first born was his great social self. He loves his public and his public loves him. We got to his classroom and his class was already writing a paper. Several looked up from their papers and spoke to their beloved. He slid into his seat and got right to work. Good man. He rode with me this morning. Just the two of us and he sat in the front seat with me. He asked if I remembered my third grade teacher. I don't. He asked if I remember my best friend from third grade. I don't. I had to explain that those people are important now but they might not be when he's in the fourth grade or the fifth or the tenth. He got it. He's really smart in that way. He's always been able to comprehend things like that.

There's no way to deny that I'm a father. Sometimes I feel like I got sucked into an episode of Quantum Leap because I don't seem equipped for this life. I feel unworthy of those two boys. No one should give me credit for them because I know what God gave them and what I've contributed since then and let's be honest... it's heavily weighted to the God side. The divine Mrs. L seems completely at home guiding them and seems to know what they need to learn at every stage. Between God and my wife I think they are going to turn out okay.

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