Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Good news from Florida

Florida was recently pounded by a hurricane. You couldn't have missed it. Hurricane Charlie rolled up the west coast of Florida and destroyed everything it touched. It also brought out the best in some people and I have to write this down so that their kindness is not forgotten.

I heard the story of a Floridian who was buying blankets and diapers and all sorts of baby needs. (I'm not sure if it was for a hospital or some other group.) She stood in line at WalMart and someone asked her if she ran a daycare center. She explained that she was buying supplies for these babies and the people in line around her began handing her money to buy the blankets, the milk, the diapers. Several of the people who gave her money were rebuilding their own homes that were damaged in the storm but were moved to help.

I also heard this morning that the classified ads in Florida have picked up a completely new category. There are ads being run in papers in Florida for FREE homes. Lots of people own vacation homes in Florida where they spend only a portion of the year. They are offering their vacation homes free of charge to people who live in Florida while the storm damaged homes are being rebuilt.

I've also heard the stories of price gouging hotels and gas stations and I'm disappointed by the corruption of the human desire to help those less fortunate. When I hear about the giving, the sharing, the comforting and the "bearing one another's burdens" I'm reminded that people are carrying some goodness and kindness around inside them.

Find a way today to help someone who is in need.

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