Friday, May 27, 2005

International Lampoon

Amnesty International has finally released a report about the prisoner abuses at Guantanamo.

I don't know about you but I couldn't wait another day. My summer reading list wasn't full yet... and I needed a good comedy so I believe this report will fit perfectly.

Calling out the US on it's human rights abuses is something like sending a shoplifting pre-teen to the electric chair. Amnesty knows that they will get press coverage for an anti-American story so they run with it but we are so far down on the world's list of abusers... I started to list the countries that are "really" abusive but it is actually easier to list the countries that are less abusive than the US... there's Lichtenstein, Norway, Iceland and the Federated States of Micronesia (which is actually a US dependent.) Canada used to be on the list but Celine Dion's music and their treatment of the French speaking Quebecois have recently moved them to the "Abusive" list.

Surely the world has more sense than to buy this bandwagon riding publicity stunt don't they? No, of course not. What am I thinking? America is the Great Satan... we've been tried in the world court of public opinion and because we don't live in absolute squalor or renounce our own success we must be terrible, hateful, imperialistic tyrants.

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