Tuesday, May 10, 2005

In praise of selected cable channels

I love TV. You may not know it but I didn't have a TV in my house until I was in the 10th grade. I didn't grow up with all those shows that my friends grew up watching. I don't know all the TV related trivia that my wife knows. I really feel cheated (sarcasm) out of all that childhood TV experience that seems to unite my generation.

Oh well, now I've got a TV and I pay for digital cable every month and so I get to watch the Discovery channels. Yes, I said multiple Discovery channels. My new favorite is the Discovery Military channel. There is also a Discovery Science and a Discovery Times (New York Times) channel. There are others but I've not spent any time on them yet...

Last night I watched a show about Osama Bin Laden. I learned quite a bit about the world's most wanted terrorist. Then I saw a show called The Fight for Baghdad which had incredible footage and amazing interviews from the ground in Iraq with the soldiers who were the first ones into the city. Then I started watching a show called After Saddam but I was too tired to make it through... it was after 1am.

When I say I love TV I mean I love interesting, intelligent, educational TV. Reality TV (incredible oxymoron) is the new opiate of the masses and sitcoms are stale and unbearable. I am starting to develop an undeserved sense of pride in the fact that I've not watched a single episode of Survivor, American Idol, Desperate Housewives... and now that I've found this suite of Discovery channels you can bet there'll never be a place in my life for The Apprentice or The Bachelorette.

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