Monday, May 02, 2005

God's Finest Work

My nine year old son is a treasure. He's smart and funny. He's really got a great sense of style... didn't get that from me, clearly. He's articulate. He's generous. He's as intransigent as a pit bull when he wants something. He's clever and creative. He's got a very high emotional intelligence. He's an amazing, natural fund raiser. He's a gifted actor (got that from me) and singer (got that from his mother) who loves to show off his talents. He's a gift from God.

He is most comfortable talking to and interacting with adults because kids his own age don't get his humor and usually don't care about much of anything but video games and tv shows. He is far more interested in producing books, videos, stage shows and works of art. He has pushed against his physical age his whole life. He has always been more wise and more intelligent than his physical age would allow. Some adults think he is not all there because they don't expect a nine year old to think or say the things he says. They underestimate him because he's trapped in a child's body. He is sometimes lonely because of this... and it breaks my heart.

B-man, be strong. Someday the world will know what your mother and I know right now. You are great! You are talented! You are truly God's finest work! We love you now and we always will.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I know you wrote this awhile back, but I just found your blog from a comment you left on someone else's. I know your son, and he is absolutely precious and wonderful. I worked with him in children's ministry at Highland when I was still at ACU, and he was by far one of the ones I got to know best and most connected with. Now that I read all you have to say about him, I think I understand a little bit more why I like him so much. Basically, you're describing me as a child. The creativity, the performer, the intelligence, the loneliness. And you know, looking back, I wouldn't change a thing. I turned out pretty well. The Lord has blessed me with an incredible life thus far, with so many awesome experiences and opportunities. Not everyone can say that. I have no doubt that B will do great things. In fact, he already is.

(For the record, I never wondered for a second if he was "all there." In fact, I thought he was much more "there" than many!) I wonder if grown-ups thought that about me, too...