Tuesday, May 17, 2005

The clog in my toilet is apparently a Newsweek magazine

Much has been said about Newsweek's unsubstantiated report of the intolerable abuse of prisoners at Guantanamo. This has primarily been that the Koran (or Quran) has been touched by infidels and put in a toilet. There have also been claims that some Muslim prisoners have been tortured by being deprived of long pants during prayer time. They have also claimed that some Muslim prisoners were wrapped in an Israeli flag. These charges have led to rioting and death in some Muslim countries.


I wish I could remember (Warning: Sarcasm ahead) what Muslims do to non-Muslims when they are held prisoner. I wonder how our soldiers are coddled (oops, I meant tortured) when they are in custody in a Muslim country. I certainly hope that none of our soldiers are wrapped in an Al Queada flag. (Oh, the humanity.) I certainly hope that they weren't deprived of religous symbols. I hope that our Jewish soldiers weren't forced to flavor their food with non-kosher salt? What if their captors flushed a Bible down the toilet? How could our soldiers stand it?

Regardless of what you believe about the prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib you must recognize that what was happening to prisoners in that prison is nothing like what happens to American (or any non-Muslim) prisoners. I'm just guessing here... but I bet I'd rather watch a Bible being torn up and flushed down a toilet than having my shoulders broken. I bet I'd rather have my crucifix necklace taken away and defiled than have my head cut off with a hunting knife. I bet I'd rather be wrapped in a North Korean flag than beaten until I lost consciousness.

Let me draw another comparison for you, gentle reader. When our soldiers took Baghdad we, the American people, did not print and distribute trading cards with the names and pictures of the soldiers who took the palaces and who took the airport. We don't have rallies in the streets where we chant about how many Iraqis our soldiers have killed.

Our enemies do this. Our enemies celebrate those who lost their lives in the attack on the World Trade Center. Our enemies behead non-combatants who are non-Muslim. Our enemies revel in dragging the bodies of our soldiers around the streets. Our enemies have so little tolerance for anyone not like them that they will not be satisfied until we (anyone who is not Muslim) are dead.

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