Friday, May 20, 2005

Run it up the flagpole

I don't particularly care if the Sith are avenged. Apparently, this lack of interest on my part puts me in an extremely small slice of America and only a slightly larger slice of the entire planet. I haven't seen the last two (three, four, who really knows?) Star Wars episodes... as a matter of fact I didn't see the first one until it was 10 or 12 years old. I don't know why but Star Wars and Star Trek just never really did anything for me. I don't think you're a nut if you are excited about it coming out... just take comfort in knowing that I will not be the guy who buys the ticket you wanted.

Now, to the folks who took off work and who camped out and who changed their names to Maul and who dressed up in costumes... you people are freaks. I understand that there is a human psychological need to belong to something larger than yourself... may I recommend "reality?"

How proud would my mom be if I called her and told her I was changing my middle name to Annakin or Darth? When you fill out your Absence Report for work, what do you write in for the reason you're missing a week of work so you can sleep on a sidewalk with a bunch of people you don't know to see a movie you already know the ending to? I think it takes a special kind of person to be the high school mascot... what sort of mental state (defect?) does it require for a grown man or woman to buy and publicly wear a sci fi movie costume? If you look to Darth Maul for spiritual guidance... what other literature have you considered?

Don't misunderstand me... I don't care at all that this is happening. As a matter of fact I like it. I love our country and the freedoms that we enjoy. It makes me happy to see the lines of Star Wars groupies outside the theaters because I know that their freedom to dress up as a wookie is the same as my freedom to skip it. I love living in a place where we are guaranteed the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, no matter how bizarre. Let your freak flag fly, baby.

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