Wednesday, January 26, 2005

What looks like a sheep but smells like a wolf?

Have you seen Hillary Clinton? Have you seen her lately?

Hillary will not commit to a presidential run in 2008 but she seems to be slipping into the sheep's clothing lately. Except for primary season (and Howard Dean) Democrats dress up in elaborate costumes to hide who they really are when they wish to woo the American voter. Remember John Kerry in his camo outfit going duck hunting? Well, Hillary is putting on the disguise that is the precursor to a new run for office outside of New York. She has recently used the word God in a coherent sentence. She has recently made claims that she has always been a "praying person." She has even backed off of her pro choice rhetoric. In a speech she gave Monday she described abortion as a "sad, even tragic choice for many, many women." The crowd didn't recognize the Hillary they thought was coming to speak to them and many were reported to have audibly gasped and shaken their heads as she made these comments.

Here's the question that comes to my mind: If Hillary has to act like Laura to get elected to George's office, why don't we just elect Laura?

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