Thursday, January 06, 2005

Steak Anyone?

The absurdity of capturing soldiers on the battlefields in Iraq and Afghanistan, bringing them to US controlled property and then immediately bestowing on them the rights that are guaranteed to US citizens is mind boggling. There are elected officials in our own government who would like to see jury trials for all these prisoners of war, complete with defense attorneys paid for by the US taxpayers. ABSURD! Unbelievably absurd.

I can't believe we're even discussing the tactics that are being used to interrogate these prisoners. There appears to be widespread outrage that some of these terrorists are being denied sleep and being forced to listen to loud music around the clock and being forced to kneel around the clock. If these soldiers had followed any of the Geneva conventions, such as wearing a uniform that clearly identifies them as combatants or doing everything within their power to eliminate civilian casualties I might be more inclined to restrict the tactics that US soldiers are allowed to use against them. But they are not!

Need I remind you that these scumbags are willing to shoot children, blow up churches, bomb civilian police stations, cut the heads off of captured men and women, aid workers or contractors? Need I remind you that they were cheering while the WTC burned and fell? Need I remind you that they were thrilled when bombs destroyed embassies and ships and pizza parlors? These Islamic terrorists will gladly walk into your house, your office, your mall, your airport and detonate an explosive vest indiscriminately killing and maiming men, women and children. They are not fighting to defend a piece of land that they farm or a business that they've built. They want to die and they want to take as many Americans with them as possible.

There are people who enjoy a chicken sandwich but could not bring themselves to kill a chicken. There are people who enjoy eating a big steak but could not stomach the killing of the cow that makes that steak possible. I understand that. We've got a freedom in our country that is sweet to everyone who tastes it. It has taken hundreds of thousands of lives and billions and billions of dollars to keep that freedom on your plate. If you don't want to get blood on your hands, you have that luxury because of the men and women of the military who have put themselves in harm's way for you. Do not cry for the cow with steak in your mouth. Do not curse the butcher while you're eating the pork chops.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mmmmmmmmmmm Steak