Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Once again, to rest in the downy bosom of Texas

I am ready for some Texas.

I've never really believed Jon Bon Jovi to be a genius but if he's the one who first said "You don't know what you've got till it's gone" then his stock just doubled in my mind. If someone else said it first and he just used it... then he's just another millionaire "has been." Either way, the phrase has great value.

The good doctor and I have been speaking in almost reverent tones of the Mexican food, the barbecue, the free drink refills that are so often taken for granted in the Lone Star state. We've decided that when we get back we're eating at the first Pappasitos or On the Border that we see. I hope the salsa is so hot my eyes water and my nose runs.

We can't wait to get into our big American cars and drive wherever we want. In Texas, we've got huge, wide highways and plenty of room. In England we had to take the underground, the train or the bus and going 45 miles could take a couple of hours. The other thing... gas cost about $8 a gallon in Europe. I feel like a serious bargain hunter when I only pay $2.89 a gallon. I might even buy a tank full of premium for the Yellow Dog.

We've missed the television. I know that seems silly but in England we only got five stations. Four of them were the BBC. The citizens of the UK pay about $400 per year per television set to support the BBC. On the one hand, there are no commercials on the BBC. On the other hand, there doesn't have to be any commercial appeal for a show to get on the air. If you've read my earlier posts you may recall my mention of the hit show "Only Fools on Horses." Yeah... socialism seems like such a good idea until it's actually put into practice.

We've enjoyed our visit to this funny little country. It's hard to imagine that at one point in world history England had colonies on almost every continent. I guess they were searching for some good food.

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