Thursday, August 11, 2005

See America

Some people really hate business travel. They complain about the line at the rental car counter. They complain about the time it takes to go through the metal detector and the bag scanner. They complain about having to take off their shoes and belts and watches. They complain about the hotel. They complain about cramped airplane seating. They probably complain about all sorts of other things too it's just that I only encounter them when we are in the airport together and they are making stupid comments about the TSA security measures.

I don't really mind business travel. Sitting on an airplane next to a man or woman who should've bought two seats isn't my favorite thing to do but it's only an hour or two. Being "wanded" at the security checkpoint isn't bad if you imagine that you are the king of the world and the TSA guy is one of your loyal subjects, getting the wrinkles out of your royal clothing. Driving a rental car is no big deal either. Other than the time that the back seat was covered in dog hair... and then I just took the car right back and they gave me another one. Hotels are not bad... I just can't allow myself to think about what might have gone on in the room the night before.

I do miss my family when I'm traveling. My boys and my wife are really my three favorite people in the whole wide world but I'm not gone for weeks at a time. I'm usually out of town for a night or two, at worst a week and with cell phones and emails I'm able to talk to them each day. Plus, when I see something cool it gives me something to tell them about.

So, not much to love but not too terrible either. I have learned the way to make it all better. I try to learn the interesting facts about the state or area where I'm going. I try to get out of my hotel room and have a look at the city around me. I can almost always find an hour or two to just drive around the countryside and see what I can see. If I have to drive between cities I try not to take the same route twice. I look at the map and pick the scenic way if time allows.

I have watched farm league baseball games. I've shared a meal with a homeless man. I've stood at the feet of 2000 year old redwoods. I've driven through Amish country. I've eaten some five star meals and I've eaten some "greasy spoon" burgers and shakes. I've four wheeled in a rented Jeep Liberty in Houston and I've off roaded in a Taurus outside of Las Vegas. I've watched the sun set on the Pacific from Mt. Tamalpais. I've seen the winter in Iowa and the summer in New Mexico.

I remind myself of the vast diversity of our country and what a great freedom it is to be able to go see all of it. Get out of that hotel room... go see America.

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