Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Pick a Team

I'm getting sick of hearing the chorus of... "it's not my war, no WMD's, Bush Lied, not in my name, give peace a chance, we should've tried diplomacy... "

How glorious for you dissenters? What a great plan... you get milk and honey without having to do a thing. Someone's gotta milk the cow. Don't complain about the way the cow got milked while you're drinking the milk. Don't gripe about the bees that lost their hive while you're eating their honey.

And you people that can't just stand up and say, "I hope America wins this war and all the terrorists die."... you've got some honey on your hands. Pick a team. You're watching the SuperBowl and you're saying, "Well, I see that my team committed a foul in the last game so maybe we deserve to lose."

Both teams can't win the SuperBowl. It's no different in this war on terror. Terrorist's idea of winning is for you to be dead. American idea of winning is all the people of this world have the freedom to elect their leaders and pursue life, liberty and happiness. Terrorist's idea of winning is for everyone but the terrorists to die. Not figuratively die... literally die. Doesn't make it too hard for me to choose which team I'm rooting for.

Hey, if the Atlanta Falcons win the SuperBowl all the Falcons fans are going to run around the world chopping off the heads of everyone who's not a Falcons fan. Or, if the Cleveland Browns win then the Browns fans will run around the world sharing their party favors. I guess I'll be cheering really hard for the Browns. How 'bout you? You a Falcon's fan?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

On M*A*S*H, Hawkeye Pierce discussed war saying "War is not hell. War is war and hell is hell. There are no innocent victims in Hell." Anit-war activists might say this is the very reason we should avoid war, but if 300,000 bodies in mass graves are any indication, there was war and hell in Iraq before we got there. The sad fact is that this war was going to be fought sooner or later. I tend to think that fighting it sooner helps limit the casualties and keeps the danger in less-populated places away from our shores. That does not mean that the disruption of life anywhere is unimportant, but if fighting were to happen here, one side would have absolutely no regard for civilian life. The U.S. does regard human life and any military man will tell you how desperately they try to protect it- even at their increased peril. A look at history will tell you that no matter what we may thinkof the war in Iraq, it is going well. There were insurgencies in Germany and Japan and in every other war ever fought. I am just glad that someone is willing to make decision that are unpopular in the short term because they know the long-term big picture is more important. That is always hard to do but often the measure of a strong person.