Monday, August 22, 2005

Cool, clear water

When an AC condensation drain backs up and overflows, a little bit of cool, clear water runs down the walls and into the concrete slab. It is absorbed by the carpet and the pad. It is absorbed by the sheetrock and the insulation in the walls. It is pulled through the concrete, under the tile, under the walls, into every possible space. Doesn't sound too bad... until you call to find out what it'll cost to clean it up.

A reputable cleaning service is here right now drying out my house. They've pulled up carpet, thrown away pad and set up all sorts of air movers (that's what you call a fan when you charge $25.00 a day for it) and a dehumidifier. Apparently cool, clear water is a really bad thing when it's under your carpet. Chances are the bill for all this work will come to something just less than my deductible so my insurance company will not have to pay a red cent and I'll have to pay a couple hundred thousand red cents.

Now, what have we learned? Don't let any water get in your house. Simple as that. When these guys leave I'm shutting off the water at the alley and building an outhouse and pumphouse and my boys are going to learn to fetch water like their grandparents did. Want a bath, son? Go get a five gallon bucket of water from the pumphouse, boil it on a fire in the backyard and bathe in a washtub on the back porch. Need to pee? Hit the outhouse, boys. Think of all the space we've wasted prior to now, with bathrooms, sinks, faucets... all unnecessary and just waiting to leak on the rest of my house.

Lesson number two: Carpet is just a really expensive sponge that is holding all sorts of nastiness. Pet hair, sand, mold, little boy dirt... and add water to that mix and you've got the recipe for a fungus that will multiply into the billions in a 24 hour period. So, I'm getting rid of the carpet too. I'm putting the vaccuum cleaner on eBay and we're gonna live on a bare concrete floor. Mops and brooms from now on.

At least, that's the plan that I'm going to deliver to the divine Mrs. L this evening when she's looking over the bill for the cleanup. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck. Just remind her that wood is "out" and concrete is "in"...