Friday, August 26, 2005

The Rock Star and the Navy SEAL

My two little men have just about finished their second week of school at the new public school.

The oldest, my rock star, was very excited about the larger school because a larger audience means a larger number of adoring fans. To expand the rock star analogy, he went from playing the nightclubs to playing the stadiums.

The youngest, my Navy SEAL, was not so excited because this was a great unknown. He sees an undefined theater of operations and undetermined number of hostile targets that may be disguised as friendlies.

Good news is they both are liking it so far. The one with high expectations has been pleased to find that this crowd likes his newest work and he is every bit as loved and adored as he was at the old school. The one with the low expectations has been pleasantly surprised to find that he likes some of the kids in his class and they like him too. It's all good.

Life lessons learned: Men don't change with their environment. They choose who they are and how they will behave and they do so regardless of present company. Their identity is not tied to their surroundings. Their identity is tied to something deep inside them. They might not say it that way but I believe they've learned it.

Thank you God for my sons. Thank you for their excitement, their enthusiasm, their energy, their candor, their health, their little lives that I get to share. I am unworthy. Help me show You to them. Help me be You to them.

1 comment:

Matt said...

I love those little guys, too! They're blessed to have a dad who looks out for them and worries about them the way you do. Even though your narrative is a little different, your concern for their first days at school reminds me of the father in the Prodigal Son story. Looking, waiting, hoping for the best.