Tuesday, March 08, 2005

PC Nuts


If you've not been reading the news carefully lately you might've missed the news stories that await you, should you follow the link above. The link leads to Tongue Tied, a website that collects and publishes stories of PC (Politically Correct) craziness from around the world. Enjoy. (I'll give you a moment to read some of these stories... I'll just be right here waiting on you to come back.)

Now that you've had a moment to read several of these and no doubt, shake your head in disbelief, do you wonder to yourself, "What can I do about this?" Or do you think,"Where will this all end?" Or do you ponder the question, "Why does Michael not write about sports?

If you're reading this now, believing that I've got an answer to give you to either of those first two questions I'm sorry to disappoint you. I am as baffled as you are. As to the third question... I had to think really hard to remember who played in the Super Bowl THIS year and the only significant event I know of in March is my youngest son's birthday.

Have a great day...

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