Friday, March 18, 2005

Bet, Wager and Gamble

This is my first post wherein I could be exposing myself to some sort of prosecution so for clarity... from now on when I use the word dollars, bucks or the symbol $ I actually mean bologna sandwiches. For instance, I may write something about paying a fine at the library that cost me $2.00. This would mean that I gave two bologna sandwiches to the librarian and she deleted my fine. Got it? Good.

I don't know anything at all about televised sports. May as well be honest. I consider a sport something that I might do, like playing football in the backyard. Apparently, everyone else I know considers sports the watching of television in which other people actually play the sports but the viewers get all sweaty and excited as if they were somehow involved. Don't get me wrong. I enjoy watching the occasional football or basketball game on television. (Televised baseball has the exact same effect on the human brain as watching a lava lamp. Televised golf has the same effect on the brain as blunt trauma.) But I don't know anyone's names (except for Brett Favre, who my wife has a crush on) or who they played for in college or what their stats are or what kind of injury they had last week. I don't know team rankings and I don't know who's expected to win or lose. I don't know any coach's names. I don't know who's making a million bucks a game. I just don't care enough.

All this intro to say that when I was asked by fellow employees to participate in the office pool on the NCAA playoffs I said, "Sure." What's a couple of bucks (remember, I mean bologna sandwiches) between friends? I coughed up my five dollar bill and filled in the blanks on a bracket. I'm hoping desperately that beginner's luck will somehow kick in and several remarkable upsets will occur in the next couple of days. My co-workers laughed out loud when they saw that I had picked Texas Tech over Gonzaga or NC State to beat UConn. Go on, fellow employees! Laugh if you will... soon you will see that the "monkey with a dartboard" approach really works and then I will laugh all the way to the bank.

Whispered: "Please Red Raiders... pull out a couple of wins for me. That's my lunch money your playing for. America loves an underdog."

1 comment:

Michael said...

Well, beginner's luck seems to be working for me. I'm leading my office pool by four points right now and it looks doubtful that anyone will be able to catch me without a real statistical improbability happening in the next rounds. Carry me home on the wings of several good guesses!
The Author