Monday, March 14, 2005

Land of the Free, Home of the Brave

Enjoy Matt Labash's editorial on Canada, (to borrow one of Matt's phrases) America's attic space.

Then spend some time thinking about what it means to be American. What is it that is uniquely American? What is the American ideal? John Wayne? Abe Lincoln? Ronald Reagan? George Patton? Rambo?

I'm not forgetting the women in my vast audience of readers... What is the American ideal for women? Betsy Ross? Lady Bird Johnson? Hillary Clinton? Rosie the Riveter? Oprah?

In a country where I'm free to be anything that I want to be I will choose to be brave, courageous, honorable, fair, self-reliant, protector of the weak, rolling up my sleeves to do whatever needs to be done to preserve God and country. I will acquit myself with honor. I'm proud to claim that heritage as my own.

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