Thursday, October 28, 2004

Do Not Rock the Vote

Among the many truths I picked up in my brief stint in college was this little jewel: Stupid People Shouldn't Breed. It probably came from a bumper sticker or other highly questionable source of worldly wisdom. It's easiest to work into conversation when subjecting oneself to tv shows like Cops and Jerry Springer.

The actors and the musicians and the overpaid behind the scenes Hollywood big shots that have come out of the woodwork to press a political agenda have inspired another nugget of truth. Stupid People Shouldn't Vote. I know this will not be received well. Thank goodness no one reads my work or I'm sure I'd be deluged with hate mail.

Rock the Vote, Hip Hop Vote, Vote or Die, etc, etc, etc, have bought hours of tv ad time in an effort to get Americans to vote. Here's the first appeal to those groups from me... Stop wasting your money. Stop wasting your breath. If American's are concerned about the state of the union they'll find their way to the polls. They'll get involved in the organizations that lobby congress. They'll learn about the issues that affect their lives and they'll study the candidates who will hold power and influence.

If they are not smart enough to do this, please leave them alone. Ignorance is bliss. They'll be happier without this headache and they'll not screw it up for those of us that do care.

I don't give my five year old the power to make the decision about what kind of car I drive. He's not equipped for it. I could read the ads to him for all the cars I'm considering but a five year old is just not going to understand all the variables. If forced, I'm sure he would choose one car or the other but it would be based only on the looks of the car or the way the seat felt. That's much like voting for one candidate because that candidate has the best hair or has a hobby you share.

Once more, I'll make my appeal. Please leave the disenfranchised voters alone. Please leave the uninvolved twenty somethings alone. Please leave a little bit of complexity in the ballot and the voting registration. Don't make it too easy to vote. Don't make public announcements on the radio and tv about where the polls are located. Make it hard for us to vote.

I don't want the swimmers in the shallow end of the pool (wink, wink) making decisions that affect my life. Let them dull their minds with Jerry Springer, P Diddy and Drew Barrymore. Leave them to their blissful ignorance.

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