Friday, July 08, 2005

God bless America, land that I love

It's really tempting to let the fourth of July be a day to enjoy barbecue and fireworks. It's easy to mow the yard and wash the car and spend the evening with friends, having a meal, having a drink, watching the colorful explosions in the night sky. But, few things that are easy are worth doing.

Those fireworks are to remind us of the explosions of war, the bombs that burst in the air but couldn't knock down the flag that stands for freedom, the cannon that took young American lives but not America.

In the midst of a war, and with the very real threat of terrorist attacks on our own soil it's much harder to pause and consider what those fireworks are really about. But it's worth doing.

Look for those stars and stripes. Look for those jets in the sky. Look for those soldiers who wear the uniform so that you and I don't have to. Look at the news tonight and remember that lives have been given in defense of American freedom for over 200 years now. That will not ever end. But it's worth doing.

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