Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Physics, plain and simple

If a person were to accidentally get the heel of their left hand between the sharp end of a wonderbar and the blunt force of a 3lb engineer's hammer that person could reasonably expect the blade of the wonderbar to go completely through the heel of their hand and meet the face of the hammer. Ask me how I know this.

My fence project, my guitar lessons and my weight lifting are all on a temporary hold while my left hand heals. Luckily, I can still type.

I went for a walk with the divine Mrs. L last night. Much to her delight (sarcasm), I caught a small garter snake as we walked. I carried it home in my hand and shared the joy with my sons. We took pictures of each of them holding the frightened little snake. I offered to let Mrs. L hold it but surprisingly, she declined. George, as the boys named it in the 10 minutes it was in our house, was too beautiful to keep so I let it go in the front yard where it quickly disappeared into the thick grass and the night.

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