Friday, June 17, 2005

after a brief intermission...

See a pattern with recent posts yet? I'll give you a hint... frequency. Now do you see it? Yep... I haven't posted in a while. Well, I'm stretching out my mental muscles and might not have my "A" game going today... here goes.

I'm learning to play guitar. Not sure how this is really going to work since I seem to be functionally tone deaf, my singing being the key indicator. Also, I'm not sure my fingers will bend the way they're supposed to and they hurt real bad right now. I've got a young college kid teaching me how to play. I think he's going to be a good teacher. I know for sure that he's a great guitarist. About halfway through the lesson he told me about his band. He and his band are playing all over the state this summer. If the others in the band are as talented as he is they'll be a great show. (This concludes the "feel good" portion of this particular blog post so if you're feeling happy and don't want to lose that gentle smile... stop reading now.)

Good job to the House of Representatives. They passed a bill that will withhold half the funding that the US gives to the UN, that enormous, parasitic, redundant, beauracratic organization... sorry, got caught up in the moment. The House bill, if passed by the Senate would withhold half the US funding until the UN proves it can handle it's business.

We all got a glimpse of the porkbarrel that is the UN when US Marines captured Saddam's multiple palaces, primarily bought with money Saddam made in the UN controlled (loosely used) Oil for Food program. Yes, Iraqi children starved while Saddam sat on his gold toilet and everyone involved in the Oil for Food oversight got rich. We have also seen the UN demonstrate it's absolute powerlessness as UN peacekeepers stood by and watched the genocide in Rwanda. The UN continues to ignore what may be classified a genocide in Sudan. They can adopt a resolution about tsunami aid and they can adopt a resolution about US preemptive military actions and they can adopt a resolution about genocide but it all boils down to, "blah, blah, blah... " and nothing more.

Tell your congressperson (see how PC I am?) what you think ought to happen with the UN and ask them to support the bill the House passed. Next step: evict the UN from that very expensive real estate we provide for them in NYC.

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