Monday, November 29, 2004

A New House

This new house is not like my old one. This new house is bigger than my old one. This new house is more prestigous than my old one. This new house is more, better, greater and finer than my old house. But it's not like the house I've been promised. The house I'm promised is with God. The house I'm promised is in a place where the imperfections have been replaced with perfection. The house I'm promised is not built of wood or stone. The house I'm promised is not of this world.

Dear God,
Let me remember that this house, the wood and the stone, will crumble and decay. Let me remember that I can have no vanity in the house of this world. Let me remember that I need to build up equity in the house that I will inherit when I leave this life. Let me remember that I have a place in your houses and an eternity in your courts and no earthly house or it's possessions can get in my way.

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