Thursday, September 02, 2004

Cheney/Bush 2008

Dick Cheney patiently delivered a composed, dignified butt-kicking to John Kerry last night. Jonathan Last, online editor of the Weekly Standard called it Kerry's trip "to the woodshed." If Kerry ever had to debate Cheney (Kerry's people better not let it happen) I'm certain Cheney would pick Kerry apart like a seasoned, professional boxer meeting a complete amateur.

Prior to this convention we've seen so little of the President and Vice President campaigning. The TV has been full of Kerry-Edwards and their shrill diatribes against the current administration, their hysterical claims that terror threats are part of a Bush campaign tactic and their ambiguous promises to fix everything that is wrong in the world. Now, after three or four nights of this convention they're squealing about the negativity of the rhetoric. They've been throwing punches for months and now they took one on the chin and they're crying like little girls. What a contrast!

What are you looking for in a leader? I'm starting to think Dick Cheney and Laura Bush can run for President and Vice President in 2008. Not necessarily in that order, either.

They've got my vote.

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