Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Know Your Enemy

Mohammed Atta's father, speaking on Saturday, September 11, made the outrageous claim that his son was an unfortunate victim of the Israeli intelligence agency commonly referred to as the Mossad. (actually it is the Institute for Intelligence and Special Tasks) He claimed that the Mossad are responsible for crashing the two airplanes into the World Trade Center in the most famous of terrorist attacks. He then went on to call all Muslims and Arabs to retaliate for that loss of life. He said that if a plane crashed into the White House and killed President Bush and his wife and his two daughters that the martyr (we would call the martyr a terrorist) would certainly go to heaven.

Yes. You read that correctly. On the anniversary of the worst attack on the US since Pearl Harbor, the perpetrator's father blamed our Israli allies and called, once again, for more terrorist attacks on the US.

The following is my four point outline of the problem:
1. Muslim terrorists want us dead.
2. They will gladly greet their death to cause ours.
3. They will not stop until they are dead or we are dead.
4. They are not in touch with anything you or I would consider reality.

(I've added #4 since hearing Baghdad Bob make his ridiculous televised lies and Mr. Atta make his ridiculous claims that the Israelis are the real terrorists.)

Now for the disclaimer... not all Muslims are terrorists. I've personally been friends with Muslim Americans who fled to the US from Afghanistan during the 1980's. They were hard working, honest people. They struggled to maintain their culture in the melting pot of America. They did not wish to kill or destroy the nation that had welcomed them and allowed them all the freedoms that we enjoy.

So what do we do now? As with Hitler, there can be no space in this world where organized, homicidal, racial hatred is allowed to exist and fester unprosecuted. It must be attacked and destroyed or the world as we know it is in danger of being twisted and conformed to their malignant reality.

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