Monday, October 10, 2005

Success in Iraq, largely unreported

If you'd like a more accurate picture of what's happening in Iraq than you are getting from CNN... check out the link above by clicking on the title bar. Michael Yon is on the ground in Iraq and has been riding in combat, life and death missions with the American military and with ISF.

If it bleeds, it leads. CNN has a financial motive for running the "bad" news. They are just paying the bills. For some reason, America seems to want the body count more than to hear anything about American success. I'll let someone else dig into the self-loathing that the world seems to want from America.

Read Michael Yon's work. It'll give you a truly human face to put onto those heroic men and women of the American military and it'll give you a respect for the Iraqis that are beginning to construct a country out of the ashes of a post-Saddam terror.

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