Wednesday, October 12, 2005

So Zawahiri says to Zarqawi...

Click on the title bar to follow the link. It's a letter from Ayman-al-Zawahiri to Abu Musab Zarqawi. Zarqawi, you may recall, is now famous for beheading his captives and sending the gruesome videotapes to sympathetic "news" agencies. Zawahiri is an Egyptian doctor who professed allegiance to Bin Ladin in 1999 and recently has been one of the highest ranking Al Quaida members.

If this letter doesn't motivate us to stay the course in Iraq then I don't know what will. These guys are waging a holy war, fully convinced that God is on their side and that ultimately every non-Muslim in the world must die for them to be successful.

For all my readers who may have taken the stance that this is not their war, that they disagree with this war, that they believe Saddam was doing just fine and we should've left him alone... THESE JIHADISTS DON'T CARE. YOU ARE NOT MUSLIM. YOU MUST DIE.

1 comment:

Beverly said...

If that is the case then we need to get to other places where horrible things are happening in the world..then, if we have any money left over, we can improve conditions in our inner city schools and we can help our senior citizens and deal with our national debt....yes, horrible to think of these dying at Suddam's hand and it is also horrible that our service men and women are being killed in Iraq that now the government is being honest in saying that this war will go on for years..very very sad...