Thursday, February 24, 2005

Flatten my taxes

Flat tax supporters are getting a little glint of excitement in their eyes today. The report comes back from Bratislava that Bush has made comments praising the Slovak Republic's flat tax. Bush has made several comments about reforming our tax system and I, for one, see the flat tax as the best proposal on the table.

Our tax system now is so large and labyrinthine that it's become the metaphor for all things overgrown, mutated beyond recognition and bloated with meaningless appendages. In terms of a business case argument for the flat tax let's start by getting rid of the paper that the code is printed on each year. Let's get rid of the thousands of IRS publications that are required for me to find out if I qualify for a deduction and then how much that deduction might be. Let's get rid of the thousands of IRS employees that are necessary to decipher the mathematics of our tax returns. Let's get rid of the sickening feeling I get when I pull out the tax documents file and begin the task of filling in the blanks, doing all the math and trying to determine if I owe money or if the IRS is going to give me back some of my money.

Sometimes, you know something is right by it's very simplicity. How much money did you make last year. Send in 15% of that amount.

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