Monday, October 18, 2004

Dude, look at my iguana.

Quite a bit has been written on the differences between cats and dogs. An equal amount of inked paper has been given to the differences in the owners of cats and the owners of dogs. Apparently, there are quite a few inferences about personality, cleanliness and overall intelligence that can be made about a person depending solely on which animal they choose to own.

What about me? I own a cat and a dog. I imagine that some authors would make further deductions about my personality based on the fact that I own both. I guess they might say I'm unwilling to choose. They might say that I lack introspective clarity. They might suggest that I am not the true owner of the cat because I'm not the one that chose her and brought her home.

I will not rehash the arguments about cats and dogs and their owners. I will leave that body of work unmolested. I would, however, like to point out that people who own lizards and very large snakes are all freaks. If you're reading this and you own a lizard (especially if you let it ride around on your shoulder or in your hair) please seek psychiatric help. Cold blooded animals were not intended to be cuddly friends with warm blooded humans. Call a doctor. Now.

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